Thursday, January 31, 2013

Living With Technology

With the existing new technologies and innovations emerging every other day, the information technology is an increasingly interesting platform not just for scientist, but also for all common people like ourselves. How many time do we spend everyday on the web, checking our E-mail, Facebook, blogs? The time might surprised us.
We all connected by the internet, especially the social networks. We do it for fun, for education, for communication, for business. According the Social Media Revolution 2011,  social media is about people. Some people find their lover from the internet, some find their opportunity from the internet, some even divorced because of the internet. As one of the net citizens, I have to admit that, those social media have huge influence on my life. On the one hand, they enable me to keep peace with the world around me: every morning I spent almost half an hour reading the news that just happened around the world. I will also check my twitter, looking for what happens to my friends or sharing my experiences with them. However, as I'm involved too much to the social media, sometime I may feeling tired and stressful. People's daily life have been changed by the social media,  it's not an easy job for anyone to go back to the old times. keeping a diary on their notebooks or mailing only from the postoffice is hard to imagine.

What's more, education also changed because of the technology. The video Educational Change Challenge report that, it is a big challenge for a professor in the past century to teach in todays classroom. We use different technological equipments in the classroom, we use various online tools to promote the learning process. Based on the video, there George Evans said that: every student can learn,just not the same day or same way. Technology enable the teachers to meet the needs of different students, finding the beat way to arise their interests in studying.

In conclusion, technology has changed the world's communication. people from different places, with different careers are all part of the net-world citizen. Even the vast majority of people who are still unfamiliar with the technology of computers and the internet, surely technology has became an indispensable part of their life. 



  1. As you point out technology can change the way we teach today. The important thing is to harness the technology to effective pedagogy in order to find the best way to help students learn.

  2. Wei,

    I agree with your statement "Technology enables the teachers to meet the needs of different students, finding the best way to arise their interests in studying", especially as I see students I substitute teach becoming so excited to not only read their "Time for Kids" magazines in print, but to interact with information on the web version of the same magazine that requires them to interact with the information as well as read. The addition of an inter-write board in their classroom definitely helps to motivate and interest the students to learn about the topic at hand!

  3. You make a great point in saying that sometimes social media and being so connected by the internet to what is going on in the world can be stressful. We do have access to a lot of information, and part of being able to use the technology we have for educational purposes means finding a balance between engaging with the world and taking time to disconnect and reflect. I'm sure students feel that way, too! While some students may enjoy using technology to learn, we still have to find ways to engage different kinds of learners and keep our students needs in mind. Finding ways to use the tools we have to promote learning is an exciting challenge for us as teachers! Thanks for your post.

  4. Wei,

    I find it crazy that Facebook topped Google. I think it's great using technology in our lives but the statistics frightened me a tad. Did you feel this way too at all watching the video? I believe these tools are great to know as long as we (educators) know the risks that can be involved in them for our students. Almost anything can be found on the internet now. Hopefully we can find out what sources are the best to use for all our experiences.

    1. Definitely ! I never thought that these social media have such influence until I've seen these radio. We are all neighbor on Facebook. Lol.
      Have a nice weekend!

  5. Wei,
    I like your layout, it is pretty cool. There is no denying that technology changes extremely fast. From what I saw from a video, I learnt that for a student attending college for four years, 3/4 of one's knowledge should be outdated by the year one graduates. Isn't that amazing? So the best solution for us is to update our knowledge with the rapid development of the technology.
