Thursday, February 21, 2013

Enjoy Teaching, Enjoy you Twitter

I've never think that Twitter is so organized, when I put the hashtag for great educational microblogging,  I found a lot of educational Twitter. Although I have Chinese Twitter-WeiBo, but it has limited resources for either teaching or learning. Being a member of such a powerful social network citizens, I will pay more attention to exploring the microblogs for my own professional development and for my future teaching.

Since I am planning to teach young kids English when I back to my home country, I've got a large amount of great suggestions in the articleTeachers Guide to the Use of Twitter in the Classroom. The author has provided a lot of interesting ideas that I can used in my future class.

Based on the picture I think I will use Twitter as a tool to connect both my students and their parents with me.  For my students, I will set a tweet about the study or school life everyday as a motivational tool to encourage my students. I may also ask them to write a tweet after every class as a kind of self-reflection. In addition, I can use Twitter to leave instant message for the class. I think Twitter can also used for sharing any useful learning document, video or electronic books with my students. Besides, it's also a good place to leave questions for the students, and others can help the kids solve their problem as soon as possible. Furthermore, I think I will also use this network to connect the kids' parents with me, for example, if we have any program that need help or cooperation of the parents, I will invite them to follow our Twitter, assisting the kid's learning process.

However, as a young teacher, I feel that Twitter might also a efficient tool for my professional development. Since I've have my own Twitter account and I've following many creative educational microblggings, I will keep following them even when I go back to China. These educational microbloggings have extended my learning space; they allowing me to keep paced with the technology development in teaching all the time. Besides  I've read an online article which is named Great Twitter Tools for Your Professional Development, the article posted a list of awesome Twitter tools which can be used for my professional development, for example TwitTV, YouTwit, Tweet Topic Explorer.

Each of the different tools contains information about technology education, I can always find the updated videos or news about teaching and learning. I can also using the Tweet Topic Explorer to find the topics I'm interested in. I feel all of these tools have increased my learning and teaching resources, I will keep working on it. People always say that we can connected with friends we with Twitter, but I think it also enable me to connected to the great technology educators. The information they shared might influence the classroom effect and they may also boost my professional development.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


         When searching for the most useful social networking group, I found that the Classroom 2.0 is a great tool for my career development. The Classroom 2.0 is designed for those who are interested in web2.0, social media and participative technology in the classroom. It has more than 70,000members from 188 countries all over the world!

     Classroom 2.0 is a free, community-supported network. It is used  to connect teachers around their own interests and passions for different aspect of teaching. Here teachers from different types sharing ideas and experiences about teaching with technology, poetry round tables, writing portfolios, and more. It's is a cooperative place,  e.g, as a teacher, if you have any problem you can leave your question on the forum page if the website, those experienced teachers will leave advice or suggestions here for you. Furthermore, you can also share anything useful for teaching here, so people can learn from you as well.

    The website also have a list of different groups.  You can do a great deal from a classroom perspective in different groups.Since I'm planing to teaching middle school students after I'm graduate, I also found a very interesting and helpful group called A Crazy Place Called Middle School. In this group all the middle teachers sharing their experience about efficient teaching technologies or teaching games or other tool that can be used for middle school students. Although I am not the member of the group now, I think I'll always keep checking this group, especially when I begin my teaching in the future.

A Learner is Like an Evaluator

People all learn for different purposes. Some of the learners are learning for more personal storage of knowledge; some may learn for a better future job; people may also  learn just for self-entertainment. While it is important for people to evaluate what they are learning for, it is also crucial for learners to choose how to learn and which types of learning tools to assist their learning. In order to become a good learner, people all need to be good evaluator to making the right decision while they are keep learning.

Since the 21 century is an informative century, the creative technological tools enable information changing become more and more quickly. In Siemens's article Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, the author writes that "The amount of knowledge in the world has doubled in the past 10 years and is doubling every 18 months according to the American Society of Training and Documentation (ASTD)."  While people in the past can keep a job as a life long career, people in the new century have to keep learning to keep pace with the development of the new technique and skills they need to fulfill their work. However, the large amount of new information and technology urge the learner to be a evaluator. While people need to keep breast to the new knowledge, they also need to recognize which is the important and unimportant information for them. According to Siemens"The ability to recognize when new information alters the landscape based on decisions made yesterday is also critical." Although the decision you make today is the right, it may be meaningless tomorrow. Therefore, all learner need to be their own evaluator to set their own learning purposes and to choose the most efficient tools and information for their self-development.

Based on the video What is Connectivism, connectivism comes from" our needs to socialize and negotiate around knowledge." The different types of medias can be used for different purposes. Each learner needs to evaluate the various types of media tools to promote their own learning process. It is impossible to adopt all the technological tools into the learners' learning process, the right choice of media tools can make learning more efficient. Even if people are surrounded by Facebook, Twitter or Blogging, they need to make their self-evaluation to find the most useful mediation tool to socialize and negotiate around knowledge. 

To conclude,  all though the analogy that a learner is like a evaluator may not be the perfect one, it is obvious that learner need to keep evaluating the changing information and technology to keep pace with their acquisition. 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Don't Trap Technology In Your Classroom

The name of the post on which I commented is Teachers Embrace Digital Learning Strategies, in the blog named Mind shift.I am interested in this post because the author lead me into deep thinking of how to choose the technology in the teaching and how to adopt it in to the real classroom. In fact this post was posted on February 6, according to the blogger this was the second annual Digital Learning Day, which is designated to bring attention to the benefits of technology for learning. In order to discuss the influence of technology and learning, the author first talked about seven golden rules of using technology in schools. It claimed that  technology was worthless without professional development; the most important thing is not the time and money spent on by those educators, but the ways to integrate technology creatively into educators' daily teaching practice in meaningful ways. Besides, the author mentioned that "teaching tools are not just a passing fad". Teachers should take the risks to exploring and experiencing the efficient teaching tools and try to keep learning on technology, being a lifelong learner.

Also the author linked a survey by PBS learning media, it is a survey about the teachers' ideas and suggestions about technology in the classroom. From the survey, it is clear that most of the teachers( almost 74% think that technology is a good teaching tool,  especially for those teachers in low-income schools.

The post also provides case studies of how teachers using technology to support learning.  Here some of the teacher use technology to playing the game with the students.  My favorite one is that a teacher using texts message  with the students.  Before each of the class,  the teacher ask the student to send him a message about one challenging question of the class.  The student who send the message first will get a chocolate as a prize. I think this is a great way to enhance the students' learning motivation.

I think all these tips are very helpful for my future class plan. It provides several efficient ways to improve both learning and teaching process. I may keep this blog in my teaching life as a good planing resource.